Improv Classes Chaos Bloom

Improv Classes

Registration is open to everyone for any level so don’t worry if you haven’t studied with us before. Contact our Training Center Director Amey Goerlich with any questions about what level to start in if you have prior improv or comedy/theater experience

Improv Salon MEISNER workshop

MEISNER workshop with Todd Sullivan $60

Oct 13th/20th/27th 1-3pm at Chaos Bloom Theater

the Meisner techniques will help improvisers:

a) listen actively

b) be present in their scene work

c) focus more on their scene partners than themselves

d) learn to respond from their own authentic point of view.

The Meisner technique is an approach to acting developed by Sanford Meisner, an American actor and acting teacher. Meisner defined acting as “living truthfully under imaginary circumstances.” That definition was refined by Meisner’s protégé William Esper as: “acting is doing things truthfully under imaginary circumstances.”

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Improv Salon What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do

Improv Salon What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do


"What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do." 

CJ Willard September 22nd 1-3pm

COST $ 20

CJ will share some tips and tricks he's picked up and been taught on how to redirect the energy in a dull scene that isn't working and turn it into one that does work. He'll cover Easy/Hard choices vs Right/Wrong choices, Emotional Oversharing, filling out scenes with Object Work, Fake It Til You Make It techniques,

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